What’s that black/brown stuff that keeps everyone going through the day at the office?
What is the single reason you would invite someone to have a chat with?
Do you recall a drink that makes a day more productive?
What instills that sense of activeness while we work?
Yes, yes, we know you know the answer.
There is something about Coffee that drives everyone nuts. Be it the onset of a day, the late-night sessions, the day period work, or an evening restaurant gathering, coffee is popular everywhere.
But as you sip it more and more, you ought to think that it making you addicted. Since it has caffeine, it might be harmful. It may make your mind, dependent and may spoil it in the long run.
These thoughts are common in professionals who love coffee. While drinking coffee at an unprecedented rate can surely be harmful, having it in an optimized manner can actually be beneficial for our health.
Remember that, you should not look to have these continuously and limit the consumption to 3 or maximum 3 times a day. It is only then you can reap its true benefits. The idea is not to become a chain coffee drinker and have it as you would do with juices once or twice a day. This will make a person enjoy a healthy space and will keep him productive all throughout the day. Having said that, let’s take a good look at some of the potential benefits it brings to us:
A surge in the energy levels

Often at times, you feel lazy to work. And then you think about that creamy latte. Suddenly, you are excited; you grab a cup and feel energetic already. This impact can only be given by a beverage as intense as coffee. The optimal caffeine content in the dark drink can act as a good stimulant for our nervous system. It also bestows its ability on our body which lets us fight fatigue. This gives rise to our energy levels.
The way coffee works are quite interesting. It blocks the neurotransmitter receptor called adenosine. This leads to the increase in other neurotransmitters’ volume in our brain, resulting in better regulation of energy. This also includes Dopamine which is the prime source of energy in our brain.
Studies have also found that when a person drinks coffee, he takes longer to get exhausted by cycling as compared to one who is not taking the drink. This also relates to brain activeness and better cognitive skills.
Together, this benefit helps us multitask or indulge in those deep working periods, which enhances our productivity levels.
Reduction in type 2 diabetes With India being the diabetic country of the world, it is imperative for all of us to dwell on better means of reducing sugar intolerance. Coffee can help in that. Researchers have often shown that when you consume coffee on daily basis, you are actually developing a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This happens in the long term and results cannot be seen in a day or two as per the scientists debating on this particular benefit.
The reason why coffee can work lies in its ability to increase the beta cells’ function in the pancreatic tissues. Since these tissues are responsible for the production of insulin, the blood sugar levels come into the regular criteria.
Some good brands of coffee even have rich antioxidant properties. This can help cure insulin sensitivity and inflammation. It also helps in balancing our entire body metabolism.
Helps burn calories If you watch a friend start on the coffee frenzy, and when you meet him after a month or so, you will surely notice a few kilos shed. Yes, coffee can actually help you on your road to thin.
This relates to the previous benefit of how coffee can regulate insulin levels. Since extra sugar in our body can lead to obesity, having regular blood glucose levels can reduce fat. This is also the reason many fitness enthusiasts include coffee in their weight loss diet.
Another reason why coffee works here is the way it makes us feel full. If you are waiting for a meal and have a cookie with coffee instead, you won’t feel the urge to eat again for a few hours. This can help reduce the intake of extra calories that are hard to burn. In fact, coffee helps us burn calories without consuming extra fat.
And what’s more-the beverage contains an ample amount of magnesium and potassium. These help a lot in insulin regulation and blood maintenance. It not only helps keep the sugar in check but also avoids cravings for sugar or other snacks.
Can help with brain health
When we work on computers or mobiles, the overall stress is beard by our brain. It is our nervous system that faces the music and needs to work continuously. Coffee can act as a supportive partner to our brains.
Studies suggest that when you let your brain do the work after having coffee, you are more productive and can easily do a task you would take hours otherwise. It also helps our mind focus on our core job.
Coffee may also help scientists find a cure to many neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. People taking coffee in a moderate amount usually have a lower risk of diseases such as dementia and other cognitive disorders.

Put a stop to your depression
Coffee surely offers a feel-good factor. Mere imagining the aroma of your favorite coffee can make you feel rejuvenated. And this is also evident through studies and research. Drinking coffee can help you deal with depression in a better way. It is even better than having chocolate.
Caffeine, when taken in optimal amount, acts as a very good stimulant that elevates our mood and decreases the levels of stress hormones in our body. This helps in forgetting the worries of the world, making us work in a better manner. Having a cup or two each day will cause as much as 8% lower risk of stress and depression. This also helps in decreasing suicidal thoughts in extreme cases.
Coffee is a friend of our liver
People often experience good digestion after drinking coffee. And this is a fact. Various studies are suggesting that coffee can help increase the health of our liver. It also helps protect our liver against various types of digestive disorders such as acidity, uric acid, or gas.
Scientists believe that people who drink one or two cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of various issues including liver scarring. It also aids cure liver stiffness.
Coffee also improves our digestion by letting the liver convert our food into a digestible substance. The slight acidic form of coffee is good for digesting food particles in our liver.
Coffee loves our heart
No, it doesn’t mean that coffee attacks our health. It literally hugs it. Yes, coffee lets our heart function in a pristine manner and increases its functioning capability, when taken in moderate forms.
People who are drinking coffee on daily basis usually have a 15% lower risk of heart disease as compared to people who shy away from drinking the beverage. You also ought to have a 21% lower risk, as per a study, of heart stroke if you consume coffee regularly. Furthermore, you are less prone to heart failure if you are a coffee lover.
A word of caution
Coffee might seem to be perfect from every angle. But it is not the case. You might have noticed that we have mentioned the words moderate and optimum in every benefit. This means that coffee can show its benefits only if you consume it in a controlled manner. When you go beyond the limits, our body is not able to metabolize such amount of caffeine and things might become grave. For instance, large amounts of coffee can cause higher blood pressure levels in our bodies.
Make sure that you always drink coffee as much as your body allows you and not more than 3 cups a day. Having 2 or one cup of the day is the best ratio to aim at. It is not a medicine that you need to consume more to see better effects. It is a luxury and you can reap its benefits only if you take it in a well-thought-out manner.
So there you have it, a few more reasons to love your brown portion of energy. And if someone tells you that it’s still harmful-tell them that you are not an addict. You know the benefits and you are taking it in a moderate amount. Things will surely settle down and you can continue your lifetime affair with the coffee.