The Light Language or the Soul Language is a celestial communication channelling energies from higher realms of consciousness. It is an expansive multidimensional language that connects with your inner being to create a new life aligned with your soul. It can be expressed through speaking, chanting, singing, writing, drawing, body movement, and intuitive hand gestures. All light languages are different and therefore, this cosmic language is one of the most powerful healing tools that can be communicated through sound, colors, numbers, and even sacred geometry. It is a majestic ancient language used for lifetimes that resonates with your soul to liberate you from human ordeals. It enters into your body, soul, and mind with healing powers. Light Langauge is considered a fifth-dimensional language which is a higher form of communication to assist mankind towards ascension. It is a spiritual journey that helps tune in to your higher self and remove all blockages. It nourishes and speaks to your soul energetically and helps you attract positivity from around you. Light Language’s purpose is to raise your vibration and awaken your soul to attract positive vibrations and shift your consciousness.
Who is Zeenat Lakdawala?
There are many light language experts who can help you understand this universal connection and guide you to route your energy to a higher octave. Meet one such artist, Zeenat Lakdawala.
A distinguished spiritual artist and energy healer, Zeenat is the creator of the “World’s First Light Language* Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids.” She is a Transformational Energy Healer with over 10 years of experience. She has a high connection with the supreme consciousness from where she receives information from various Higher Dimensional Beings. This assists her in bringing the most benevolent Language of Light in the forms of “Codes, Instructions and Sacred Blueprints.” Zeenat is a featured international speaker and has worked with 1000s of clients globally. It helps in the awakening of the dormant soul and high vibrational shifts that allow one to heal, renewed motivation, power, growth, and abundance.
What made Zeenat a part of this mystical world? How did she learn the language?
Zeenat never learned the language, in particular. It intuitively came on to her. She can write and speak the language that comes to her from various gateways/portals. She is claircognizant and this ability helps her to bring wisdom and knowledge to people across the continents. Being a right-handed person while writing, she is automatically guided to use her left hand whenever she uses light language as this further ensures that there are no filters and she is in total allowance of the process. Zeenat is blessed to energetically read and receive visions and messages for her clients. She remotely works with over 1000+ clients globally, guiding them to clear old beliefs, heal traumas, and blocks. Her guidance over the years has brought many of her clients closer to their original divine blueprint by helping them transfigure the capacity at which they work.
Zeenat’s Journey
Working as a marketing professional for 15 years, Zeenat finally took a sabbatical and engaged herself in personal healing. She was often told by numerous healers that she is a conduit and needs to start writing, though, she never really understood what precisely she has to write! Her true course of path came on to her at one of the healing festivals in Bombay where she met a psychic. As suggested by other healers, she too asked Zeenat to write. Bewildered yet intrigued, Zeenat attended another healing festival where her healer friend suggested her to meet ‘Nan Umrigar.’ Nan was a channeller and she used to communicate with her spirited son, ‘Karl.’ Zeenat immediately contacted Mrs. Umrigar to seek her guidance. On her first interaction with Mrs. Nan, she asked Zeenat to read her book, “Sounds Of Silence” and approach her again. Zeenat diligently read the book and came across a part that mentioned a “guru” which lead to her visit to the guru’s samadhi in Ahmednagar.
What came next, was beyond comprehension! Zeenat rested her head on the top of the marble samadhi and within that moment, messages rushed through her brain, “you should write. Will you write?” This continued in a loop. To stop this, Zeenat tried to lift her head but it got so heavy that she wasn’t able to do so until she said, “Yes, I will write!” The moment she agreed to write, her head seemed lighter and was easily lifted off the samadhi.
After this overwhelming experience, Zeenat was ready to take on a new path. Thus, Zeenat’s spiritual journey began through channelling and tapping the vibrations from the universe. Initially, it came to her through writing in the English language. Later, it turned to ‘doodling’, to dots and lines eventually bringing down to the “Language of Light.”
How does Zeenat help people through this?
Zeenat channels the language of light coming from various portals and galaxies from beyond that have their signature dialect. Through this channeling, she brings down the energy in the form of writing and speaking. She helps people in elevating their spirits. As a multi and inter-dimensional energy conduit, she works with clients to assist them to move from a lower vibration to a higher vibration; to experience bliss both in the spiritual and physical realms. While working with her clients, she uses different modalities that help and assist in healing and growth.
She has been referred to as a “Miracle Worker” and her clients receive resolution and are able to release money stuckness from the core which helps them to feel better and be in a great space to receive with ease. She believes in the power of YES and that we create our reality in every minute of the NOW! Her biggest achievement when she does her one-on-one session is to empower her clients, allowing self-healing with the tools that she brings down. Moreover, she provides assignments to her clients and asks them to work upon it between her sessions thus, making them more self-reliant and confident.
Zeenat the Founder of SoulSearch® expresses through different -tools such as Light Language Grids and Coasters & SoulSearch Sounds™, to assist you in your core healing and to achieve the highest good in areas of good health, more wealth, more money, abundance, prosperity, and healthier relationship.
Zeenat’s exceptional creations-
- SoulSearch Grids and Coasters are handcrafted and come from the integration of four technologies entailing Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystals and Colors.
By working closely with her Grids & Coasters one experiences a shift aligning the energetic body/space and achieving and manifesting goals, healing entire bodies – physical, emotional, and spiritual.
The core purpose of her work is to assist the energy system in activating the DNA and changing the crystalline structure that brings the required advancement. Zeenat has created over 100 such Grids to help heal and manifest more money, love, wealth, and abundance, release stuckness and protect all subtle bodies.
- SoulSearch Sounds™ are divine codes in sounds and tones that will harmonize and tune your higher self. It is another medium in which Zeenat uses her voice to bring the Sacred Light Language codes and instructions to harmonize and tune to connect with the higher self. Through her voice, she helps transcend your vibrational energy to the frequency of your higher self.
In reality, light language is not just one language but is a huge umbrella that comprises many other languages namely Galactic Light Beings, Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Lyrans, the Andromedans, and others. It is probably one of the most intuitive ways of connection that help create positive messages for our mind and body. Light language is a vibrational expression that talks to our soul and DNA. It may sound gibberish to our ears, but each word, sound, and even a pause has a meaning and intention behind it. At the mental level, it connects to our brain when it is at the Gamma state and helps improve the brain’s receptivity. At the soul level, the cosmic codes received via light language help to heal emotionally and connect ourselves to our sole purpose. Light language helps improve mental clarity and focus, increase energy and vitality, decrease negativity, enhance creativity, reduce stress and anxiety, and balance relationships.