Pragati Bharti
Unmissable Indian Viral Videos Of 2022 and The Stories Behind It
Let's take a look at some of the most popular Indian viral videos thus far in 2022 and discuss their specific appeal.
Exchange Of Ideas And Opinions Over Agniveer Scheme With Frank Raushan
We talked about the Agniveer scheme over the phone with Frank Rausan Pereira, Editor-in-Chief of Bharata First and a former Rajya Sabha TV anchor.
Instagram Accounts To Follow If you Are Struggling With Body Image Issues
Let’s discuss body image. As more insight about body acceptance and size inclusivity becomes available, it appears that our culture is undergoing a healthy shift....
Strong Indian Female Entrepreneurs In 2022 Who Will Inspire You
Women are stepping up the leading game and now they are also going ahead as strong entrepreneurs. Keep reading to know more.
Procrastination Threat: Know How It Dreadfully Affects Our Lives
We know that procrastination isn't healthy but ever thought how it affects our lives negatively. Now scroll and uncover the harsh reality of procrastination.
The Pros And Cons of Loans In Today’s Life
You might consider taking out a loan whenever you need extra income to pay for home upgrades, finance a marriage, or restructure high-interest debt in...
Famous Bollywood Stars Who Are Always Up for Supporting LGBTQ
Although India has made great strides regarding how we operate as a community, there are still some areas where we are far behind where we...
Famous Bollywood Celebs That Fiercely Talk About Their Sexual Abuse
Every day, approximately 88 rape incidents are reported in India. Many individuals believe that only the unprivileged are affected by this problem because they lack...
6 Great Films That Address Mental Illness-
When we run fast to achieve everything in this busy world, we ignore our health. Even if we consider health, we don’t consider mental health...
Bollywood And Its Love Affair With Real Life Based Movies
Bollywood And Its Love Affair With Real Life Based Movies Films are a microcosm of society. Movies represent the audience’s lifestyle in various ways, ranging...