Every student has to make certain choices that will in turn determine his/her professional future. Selecting a career that matches with your potential and interest is often a tedious task for both teenagers and their parents. The concern is more grave for children who decide to drop the classical paths of science or commerce and choose humanities. It has been an age-old belief that humanities is an option for less bright students who shall end up living an unsuccessful life. However, this notion no longer prevails and many eminent scholars have shown the scope of this stream. This article will help you decide a career in Humanities.
It has been a set precedent, non-medical means engineers or researchers, medical stream means doctors and commerce background means Chartered Accountant (CA) or bank employees. But, what about humanities? There has never been a fixed career association mainly because people thought it had no scope. Today, we like to believe that it is because it has not just a few professions but rather an unlimited scope. It is no longer confined to ‘arts’ but has evolved and given birth to various new subjects. Given below are some of the many areas that you might wanna consider as your future occupation
Administrative services are the backbone of a country. The position provides you with immense fame, power and responsibility. UPSC sets the civil services exam for prestigious posts like IAS, IPS, IRS etc. The subject matter of this exam aligns with the content taught in humanities. Political science, international relations, history, geography, sociology etc are a few major subjects that hold high value while preparing for civil services.
There are many institutes that provide coaching and assistance to help you crack this exam. Some of the big names include Vision IAS, Unacademy, Drishti IAS, Vajiram and Ravi etc
Judiciary is an integral part of any democracy. Lawyers lead a life of high dignity and power. Knowing the legalities, fighting for justice, questioning the legislature and executive are the core components of this job profile. Lawyers are always in high demand and their prestige is incomparable. You can provide legal advice not just to individual clients but to companies, NGOs, government etc. You can further do a specialization degree in taxes, criminal law, civil law, international human rights etc.
Some top law colleges in India include National Law University (Delhi), National Law School of India University (Bengaluru), NALSAR University of Law (Hyderabad) etc.
Media is regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy. Mass media is a spectrum of opportunities. It is communication through a medium such as radio, television, newspaper, magazines etc. Journalism is a sub-stream of mass media that includes the field work of gathering, assessing the current events and curating them as news. With a degree in mass media you can work as a content writer, video editor, content creator, journalist, news reporter, radio jockey etc. The scope of mass media in today’s digital era is limitless.

Best colleges for mass media include Indian Institute Of Journalism And New Media (Bangalore), Symbiosis Institute Of Media And Communication (Pune), Lady Shri Ram College For Women (New Delhi) Christ College (Bangalore) etc
In simple terms, psychology is a study of the human mind and behavior. It is an evolving field and its applications are present in almost all spheres. Mental health is a term commonly heard today. Psychologists are people that are concerned with this area. After having a basic knowledge of the subject you can pursue a specialization course like Child Psychology, Sports Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counseling etc. People in the 21st century are in need of a psychologist now more than ever. Stress, depression, anxiety etc seem to be some common problems faced by everyone in their day-to-day lives. It is a field you must explore.
Some of the best institutes for psychology in our country are Lady Shri Ram College for Women (New Delhi), Christ University (Bangalore), AIIMS Delhi, St. Xavier’s College (Mumbai) etc
All of us love to have a luxurious stay in resorts and hotels, right? Have you ever wondered who is responsible for the perfect maintenance and fucntioning of these big hotels. It is here when the role of Hotel Management comes in. It is another fascinating career that can be pursued by humanities students. The course provides you an insight into the hotel industry and how they function. From daily chores to event management, the course covers everything. All big reputed hotels like The Taj, Lalit etc hire hotel management students. The work roles can include front desk staff, hospitality strategies, financial analysis etc. You get to experience world-class luxury and international opportunities are also common.
Some of the top colleges to pursue Hotel Management from are The Institute of hotel management catering and nutrition (New Delhi), WGSHA Manipal etc
Teaching is considered as one of the most noble professions. This occupation has no boundaries. Teaching brings along a lot of prestige and respect. You actually make up successful individuals and craft their careers. To become a teacher you can major in any subject and profess the subject. Teachers are required in every institution and at all levels. From a subject to a skill to language training, teaching is a diverse profession. You would require different certifications or degrees to be able to teach your subject at various levels. For example to teach class 12 you must have a B.ed degree or other suitable certification, to teach at university level you must have a doctoral degree etc.
Top colleges that offer B.ed and PhD programs are Lady Irwin College (New Delhi), Delhi University, Panjab University etc.
Economics is a subject often associated with commerce. But interestingly, people with a humanities background can also pursue it as a career. Various colleges offer a BA and BA (hons) degree in economics. It is a subject that studies the distribution of resources, conducts surveys, analyzes the data, predicts future economic trends etc. You can work in financial or government firms as a business analyst, policy analyst etc. The scope of economics is very vast and everlasting. Economists also work closely with government organisations to help them conduct surveys and draw various conclusions.
Some top colleges for economics are Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC), Christ University (Bangalore), Delhi School of Economics (New Delhi) etc.
From fashion to consumer packings, design is an integral part of every industry now. It includes communicating your ideas through drawings, illustrations, sketching, layout or doodling. Fashion designing is a common choice for young artists who are influenced by fashion. Apart from that, all big companies hire designers that design company logos, social media posts, branding templates etc. Jewellery designing, animation, graphic designing, leather designing are also new fields that are expected to grow in the upcoming years.
Some of the best institutes to learn designing as a professional are National Institute of Design, Symbiosis Institute of Design (Pune), Indian School of Design and Innovation (Mumbai) etc.
It is clearly evident that Humanities is no longer limited. Apart from the above listed professions, there are many other fascinating fields too such as anthropology, linguist, data analyst, content strategist, acting, multimedia specialist etc. The list is endless and so is the scope of humanities as a stream. It is high time that we stop forcing children who get good grades in class 10 to neccessarily pursue science. It could be possible that they have a knack towards other streams and would be able to actual their potential better. Taking aptitude tests or getting some career counseling could help you get a clear vision of yourself and what career choices you must make.
People who pursue humanities are usually high on creativity, interpersonal and interpersonal skills, observation and critical evaluation. Take a little time to introspect for knowing what excites you and what would you actually like to do. Your profession must align with your personality and interests for you to be truly successful. So, the next time someone’s questions your choices or asks about your future career preferences, you know what to say without any hesitation!