I dream big and work hard to accomplish my dream. I listen to my heart and do what’s best for me”.- Namita Thapar. Namita Thapar was born in Pune, Maharashtra in march 21,1977. She belongs to a traditional Gujarati family where education is very important. ” In my childhood I was very studious and i did not do much activity because it was absolutely necessary to come first in our family. ” Says Namita.

Namita Thapar is a daughter, wife and a mother of two children. Today she is one of the successful entrepreneurs. Namita Thapar is full of energy .
At the age of 21 , Namita graduated from ICAI with a degree in Chartered Accountant. And later Namita completed an MBA from duke university’s fuqua School of business. Namita on her role model: Everyone has their role model in their lives. But her role model was her mother.
Her mother was married at a very younger age for which she could not accomplish all her dreams. But later she again started seeing that dream which she wanted her daughter to achieve it. Her mother was unique. She would show her the magazine where women would wear business suit, or wear those heels and walk steadily with a suitcase in hand. And “she’d show me those photos and narrate me their stories and told me , you have to become this” Says Namita. Namita also says that, “all the ambition and drive I’ve in me today, the credit goes to my parents”. Namita Thapar today is a successful entrepreneur and a executive director of Emcure pharmaceutical.
What is Emcure Pharmaceutical? Emcure pharmaceutical limited is a Indian multinationalPharmaceutical company and it’s headquarter is in Pune, Maharashtra.
What do Emcure pharmaceutical do? Pharmaceutical company develop, manufacture and market a broad range of biopharmaceutical products globally.

Namita Thapar also appeard in Shark Tank. “My biggest motive to be a part of Shark Tank is that, through Shark Tank I want to tell all my fellow citizens of India that Dream big and never be afraid to achieve them and always be ambitious” “Trust and respect have to be earned, but that too has a different fun. And I know only one way. Work hard and get those numbers”. -Namita Thapar.