Thug Assassins Of India Who Were Active For Several Hundred Years
Indian history has not been relieved from thieves, assassins, burglaries, murders and all the evils that the rest of the world goes through. However, some stories always seem new and unbelievable to hear.
For several hundred years, a group of professional assassins roamed in India. They were members of a well-organised cult who travelled in gangs throughout India. Those thieves were known as thugs and would disguise themselves as wayfarers to fool their victims. Within the disguise of wayfarers, they would win victims’ trust and murder them seeing the favourable opportunity.

They would strangle the victims with a handkerchief or noose around their necks. Of course, all these efforts were made to loot the victims and they would bury the dead bodies afterwards. It was not a simple task as they were a group of a cult. All this would happen under special rituals and certain ancient religious rites. The consecration of a pickaxe and the sacrifice of sugar somehow had an important part in it.
One thing which is not clear is their origin. Their origin was traced down to 7 Muslim tribes. However, the weird thing is that rituals and practices were part of the worshipping of the Hindu goddess Kali. Moreover, they had a jargon 9ramasi) and other such signs as the symbols of their recognition.

These cult assassins lived on for hundreds of years and endless efforts were made to extinct them over the years. But it was all in vain until the British governor-general of India Lord William Bentinck (1833-1835) took serious measures against this evil. Furthermore, Captain William Sleeman, who was Bentinck’s chief agent, successfully managed to hunt down these assassins in great numbers.
He was successful in this mission with the cooperation of the authorities and captured over 3,266 thugs from 1831 to 1837. 412 out of these were hanged, 483 were able to give evidence for the state, and the rest of the remaining were transported with some imprisoned for lifetimes. Within a short period of this hunt, the cult went extinct and was never found again.

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