Amidst a colossal delay of technological inventions, companies have been trying and trying hard this year, to become their own voice. In other words, going back to their core competency, companies are introducing inventions that are worth the wait.
One sheer example of such innovation is the Syng Alpha. While the news of this speaker being the first triphonic sound emitting system in the world is spreading like wildfire we have much more detail to amaze you. For instance, you can control the sweet spot and size of the sound in the room. Isn’t that cool? Let us dig deeper and check out more about this enthralling one-of-a-kind invention of the decade.

The inception of Syng Alpha
Unearthed with an aim of bringing future sound technology to common people, Syng exhibitsthe epitome of human relationship with sound. The system in the speaker is a novel object-based sonic architecture. It is practically making any format of recorded sound tangible. The vision behind the speaker’s invention is to help people interact with sounds around them in a new manner. Bridging the gap between listener and sound artists, the speaker is an effort to provide new ways of listening for everyone.
This can be related to the statement given by Christopher Stringer, CEO of Syng company- “we create Syng so that everyone can experience the power of audio. We believe that sound is often an overlooked element of our lives.”
What makes it so different?
The speaker offers spatial sound. This means that when you hear the sound, you will hear it is coming from different directions. Things have really been taken to the next level in this speaker, thanks to the built, the hardware and the innovative minds behind the development. The sound is further augmented to become extra wide, super deep and highly immersive. Speaker produces a type of 3D sound that has a high level of accuracy. For instance, you won’t miss a tiny noise of a leaf falling when listening to Syng Alpha.
The speaker is best suited to your room. It is observed that doesn’t just produce sound but fills the space with the sound. This is also called spatial sound technology, embraced by the Alpha in the most faultless manner.
Besides the sound, the software features are also worth mentioning. You can easily listen and stream songs through apps like Spotify and Airplay2. Yes, you need Wifi to stream songs. You can also plug in USB to listen to your favorite music. Additionally, you can easily use the Syng link cable to connect your home theater to the speaker and experience the revolutionary sound at home.
Relation to Apple
The design and building of Syng Alpha witnessed contributions from the team of experienced sound engineers. It is co-designed by Chris Stringer who was also the designer of the Apple Home Pod. But the device from Apple is discontinued now.
After working with Apple for 21 years, Chris started working on his individual company Sing in 2017. He has been great involvement in the creation of the iPhone, iPad and Apple watch as well. Amazingly, his name is still there as a reference in more than 1400 US Apple Patents.
The Syng Alpha is the first device from the company and it is owned by Chris. While we know that he is in the team behind development, there can be more sound designers from pioneering companies of the world.

The hardware of Syng Alpha-simplified
The speaker is becoming famous as the new echo-studio slayer of the world. We all can expect new technologies in transducers, connections, integrations and electroacoustic arrangements. Needless to say, the hardware part, both on the inside and the outside are totally new.
The triphonic element means it has a three-phone circular system. It helps project sounds with an accuracy that has never been heard before from an electronic device. This is further made possible thanks to the set of drivers used. Each driver is oriented in a separate direction to provide immersive sound at a different level. The driver’s response control is managed by the audio playerapplication that also configures the system of the processor. It works by spatially encoding the source of the audio and then decoding the audio source to derive the perfect inputs of the individual drivers.
While this might seem like a technical manual of a system, you just need to know that the number of drivers used in symmetrical form to provide unidirectional audio is one of the key highlights of the speaker.
The looks
Coming from the interiors to the outer looks, the speaker comes in a unique alluring globular form. The device is also advertised in a transparent form so the viewers can see the bottom and top woofers included. The woofers that are visible as north and south pole are specially made to balance the force to precision. The diaphragm of the woofers is made up of carbon fiber curated to generate beamforming modal audio. The lower diaphragm is surrounding the mounting pole of the speaker. In the middle sphere space, we can see frequency drivers that are joined to the dispersion system. These projects sound with accuracy like never before.
The bottom line is that the speaker comes with 8 drivers and 2 woofers and a three-horn system powered by more drivers and tweeters.
The software
The software side is as interesting as it gets. The speaker can be easily controlled with an iPhone app. This also means that you need to use Apple’s ARKit to measure the room and then let the speaker generate immersive sound, which is precisely set up at that time for the environment. The speaker also changes sound as per the source of the application used. Additionally, there is also an official application from the company under the name of Syng Space. You can use this to align the music and sound from the device. The app can also be utilized to:
- Control sound from anywhere in the home
- Use multi-space playback option
- Discover the elements of different sounds
- Customize the listening experience with pinpoint placement of sound
- Play any sound source through the app

Key features
As one can expect, the device comes loaded with astonishing features. While we have devised the basic ones above, there is so much to talk about. To sum it up, here is the list of added features of this smart lad from the future:
- Single point source design
- Sound from the core of the speaker
- Circular three horns array with additional tweeters
- Delivery of high-fidelity sound
- Expansion of sound with more than one speaker, upto 3
- Automatic sound calibration as per the space
Does it really have the sound technology of the future?
Future holds convenience and amusement for the common people. With visions already turning into reality, there is no doubt that the Syng Alpha is the speaker from the future. In fact, the internet, which we trust the most today, has already addressed the speaker a tuneful tackle from 2050. The features it brings to the table can surely justify this statement.A few years ago, spatial sound and 3D sound were merely a dream. And these are now becoming a reality, thanks to the inventions like Syng Alpha.