Why The Traditional Chappa Printing Of Bihar Is So Famous?
Did you know that the Muslim families of Bihar are considered incomplete without Chappa couture? Even though it dates back to the early 19th century, it hasn’t lost its charm in modern times. Most importantly, the socially and economically backward people of Bihar (the Rangrez community) are the ones who are carrying its legacy.

It is indeed a thing of the Muslims of Bihar. In other words, Chappa couture belongs to the Bihari Muslims. Biharshreef, Aurangabad, Darbangga, and Sabzibagh of Patna, are the main places of this ancient art of printing. Its importance also lies in the fact that the bride wears the traditional Chappa wear at her wedding. Moreover, this dress is sent by the groom’s side to the bride.
What is the history of Chappa printing?
In 1811 or 1812, an article appeared in a magazine which mentioned the importance of Chappa printing. It was written by Dr Francis Buchanan who had come to India as an employee of the East India Company. Francis visited many places in India especially many districts of Bihar. He moreover mentioned the importance of families involved in promoting this art in his article.

Above all, did you know that earlier, Muslims used to wear Chappa clothes at weddings only? However, with the times and coming of the new fashion, it went normal to wearing in other occasions as well. Though the hand printed clothing has still been maintained for special occasions like weddings.
Importance of Chappa printing outside Bihar
These printing clothes are not only famous in Bihar but also among others living across India and abroad. Pakistan, Bangladesh, America, Australia, and Canada are a few of the countries where Muslim families of Bihar prefer Chappa for wedding ceremonies.

The people of Bihar have been making efforts to save their traditional printing. Moreover, Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar established Rangrez Artisan Development Committee in order to save printing from extinction. The Committee furthermore also works on making developments so as to take it even further. Most importantly, the Committee also aims to lessen the pain and suffering of the professionals associated with it.
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