Zeus, the Greek God of Sky Demonstrates that the Ancient Greeks were Far More Inventive and Creative than the Moderns
The ancient Greeks were not only excellent storytellers but their imagination and creativity set the standard for the rest of the world. Greek mythology is filled with epic battles, sensational fights between gods and goddesses, fantastic creature mash-ups such as a man with the head of a bull, a dog with three heads and of course weird sex stuff.
We moderns believe that we are the originators of sexual adventure but Greek mythology is there to prove you wrong on that as it is full of crazy sex stuff that is far from a modern mind. However, their stories might seem more bizarre than romantic.
It seems like Zeus was their favourite god for such wild sexual stories as he turns into a nonhuman creature and rapes or seduces humans. Honestly, there’s hardly any story where we find him seducing as he doesn’t care about consent.
Strangely, the ancient Greek writers have depicted their gods and goddesses as immature jerks. And most importantly they have used gods for these wild fantasies. You cannot deny, however, that these stories would not have been so popular without the main characters being gods. Or, to be more precise, if Zeus was not their favourite god. Let’s take a trip to one of the most popular ancient Greek myths of Zeus’ wild journeys, and see how the Greeks’ imagination is unparalleled:
Leda and Zeus as the Swan
Leda was the beautiful wife of King Tynareus. One day Zeus comes to Leda in disguise as a swan and asks for her protection from an eagle. He then seduces her or rather rapes her (as mentioned in many of the artworks) while in Swan’s form. As a result, Leda becomes pregnant and lays two eggs. Some stories also suggest that she had sex with her husband also that night. Thus, she gives birth to Castor, Pollux, Helen and Clytemnestra.

Danae and Zeus as the Golden Shower
Danae’s father locks her in a bronze prison and as an oracle told him that her child would kill him someday in the future. Now Zeus turns himself into golden rain to enter into the prison chamber. He does what he does in all the stories. Yes, he impregnates her. Danae thus gives birth to Perseus who fulfils the prophecy by accidentally killing his grandfather at a sports event. Perseus is the one who also kills Medusa.

Ganymede and Zeus as the Eagle
Zeus does not limit himself and his sexual desires to women only. This time he has fallen for a young man named Ganymede. He of course turns himself into an eagle and abducts the man to Olympus. Ganymede remains there as a cupbearer and Zeus’ lover despite his wife’s opposition.

Ixion and Zeus Cloud
Ixion does not pay his father-in-law the bride price for his wife. Rather he throws him into a pit of burning coals. Zeus feels pity for him and brings him to Olympus. Ixion develops feelings for Zeus’ wife Hera. To see if he would proceed to sleep with her or not on seeking a chance, he makes a cloud that looks like Hera and sends it to him. Ixion goes ahead and sleeps with that cloud and impregnates it (strange right?!). She then gives birth to Centaurus.
Europa and Zeus as the Bull
Europa is a beautiful woman in this story. One day, she goes out with her friends to the field to gather flowers. That’s where Zeus sees her and wants to have her. Again, instead of becoming a human, he turns into a beautiful bull. Europa finds the bull very gentle and starts petting it. She then climbs on it and the bull immediately runs to the sea and starts to swim towards Crete. The story has the expected ending; Europa becomes the queen of Crete and bears many sons to Zeus.

Io and Zeus

lo is another victim of Zeus’s lust. Hera, Zeus’ wife has suspicions over his lust. for lo She goes to earth to find him. To escape from his wife’s suspicions, he turns Io into a white cow. Hera is smart and she knows the truth. She pretends to like the cow and wants to keep it with her. Since Zeus does not want to get caught, he gives Io to her. Hera punishes Io who is still in cow’s form by keeping her under the watch of Argus (who has a hundred eyes). When Io escapes, she makes stung by a gadfly after making her followed constantly.

What a mesmerising work of art! The artistic blend of your imagination and creativity has made it the magnum opus of reality! Simply outstanding! ❤️