An Inspiring Story of Prakash Kaur
Prakash Kaur was abandoned 65 years ago by her parents because of her gender. However, when she grew up, she created a home to adopt all such girls who are abandoned by their pitiless parents. This home is today known as ‘Unique Home for Girls’ where 60 girls including their mother (Bibi Prakash Kaur) reside. After her own life experience, she decided in 1993 to rescue and raise the orphaned girls all by herself.
She calls all the rescued girls her own children. It’s her life’s goal not to let those girls feel abandoned. She gives the life, love, protection, and care that every child deserves. The girl children living in that house are happy and healthy. For them, their mother and that house are everything and their entire world.
All the girls in the Unique house live like a regular family
The ones who were brought to the house as infants have no knowledge of how they were rescued and where they came from. Hence, Bibi Prakash Kaur is their only mother and the Unique House is their only house. These children are as young as a few days old to about 19-20 years.
To speak of the cruelty of some devil humans; Siya, who is Bibi’s daughter now, was only a few hours old when was found in a drain covered in a garbage bag. Reva, also a newborn baby, was dumped near the highway off Kapurthala. The other two girls, Razia and Rabiya, who were only a few days old were found in the fields.
The Unique House has a system at its entrance where if someone places a new baby, the alarm rings to let everybody in the house know that a new family member has arrived. Girls are not restrained to follow any particular religion as they are initiated according to their belongings. Hence, those children are from every religion such as Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, and Christain. Everybody in the house takes care of each other. For example, elder sisters look after the younger sisters.
Most importantly, these girls are given a good education at good convent schools
Bibi Prakash Kaur even fulfils her duty as a mother by conducting marriages into good families. Moreover, she keeps looking after their married daughters like normal parents. One of her daughters had some issues with her in-laws, and Bibi Ji helped her to attain her rights. Thus, she gives her children a normal life and stands with them in every stage of their lives.
Interestingly, to make her children as happy as she can, Bibi Ji also arranges a birthday celebration collectively each year on the 24th of April. Moreover, for the summer vacation, the whole house goes to Darjiling every year.
Prakash kaur, to this day, has no knowledge of her parents as she was also an abandoned child and raised in a Nari Niketan
Amazingly though her daughters have no idea how they were abandoned they are aware that they were left by their biological parents because of their gender. Fortunately, these girls are raised by a strong mother so they have the urge to prove themselves to pitiless parents that they are equal human beings by achieving big things. Above all, many people arrive at the Unique House to adopt the girls, but Bibi Prakash tells them that her daughters are not for adoption.
Even though year by year Prakash Kaur is ageing but her strength remains the same as ever. She says the supreme power has entreated her with this work, so h/she is the one who is going to help her maintain the courage. She has full faith in God. She further says that obstacles can’t cross paths with good deeds.
She Devoted Her Life Distributing Toys to Neglected Children