“Maybe you should try wearing clothes that complement your body figure”, “She looks displeasing because she is fat”, “Try body shapers to look better”, “He is too thin to be a man” and these mean comments could go on. I am sure most of us would have heard or said something of this sort at least once in our lives. The cases of body shaming and shaping are increasing every day and the victims are left feeling inferior.
Before we proceed, it is important to know what exactly these two terms mean and what repercussions they could impose. Body shaping is an act that includes passing negative comments about a person’s physical appearance. It could be related to one’s hair, skin, figure, size etc. It includes both self-criticism and other pinpointing. Body shaping refers to using some special garments or undergoing surgeries to make your body look in a certain way.
Causes and Dangers of Body Shaming
On social media, we come across people of different ages, sizes, body types etc and we involuntarily start comparing ourselves. Unusual beauty standards are set by models and influencers that negatively impact young minds. They are compelled to practice unhealthy habits in order to look better or match the beauty standards of social media.

Going on strict diets, taking inappropriate supplementation, excessive exercising, using harmful chemicals etc are some of the common things people, especially teenagers, do. As they succumb to the social media game of likes and attention, they let go of their individuality and satisfaction. Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia etc are common outcomes of body obsession. It can take a bad toll on their mental health and cause an inferiority complex, reduced confidence, self-confidence and other co-occurring disorders.
Not only social media but other modes of mass media also have a great degree of involvement in building our self-image. Magazines, television shows, movies etc also portray people in a certain way which influences people to get harsh on themselves. Actors have a huge following and their way of dressing, living etc affect people the most. They set unfeasible standards of beauty and youngsters are forced to comply in order to feel included.
They compare themselves with celebrities who have access to various other healthy alternatives and develop an inferiority complex. Our peers as well influence us. If we surround ourselves with people who are negative about our body image we are most likely to feel more depressed. One must stay in touch with the reality that everything is not as pretty as it looks. Every individual has their own share of flaws but we must choose to embrace what we have.
Body shaping does not only mean other people criticizing you but it also involves negative self-talk. Being your own toughest critic can be very damaging for your self-confidence and self-esteem. In no way am I against maintaining a healthy body and exercising. Rather, I’m against forceful and harmful activities that one might indulge in to look pleasing. Peers, social media influencers, actors etc no one should be powerful to decide how you should look. Try to stay healthy, not just pretty or picturesque.
What to do about it?
We all have been victims of body shaming at some point. Though it might not have had any serious consequences, it still resides somewhere in our minds. To begin your recovery, start by knowing and accepting your body type. Learn to take constructive criticism from people you trust and act accordingly. For example, if your parents or doctors advise you to reduce weight in order to stay healthy and disease-free. In this case, without a second thought, you must start exercising and not consider it as body shaming.
Avoid triggers like social media, movies, magazines etc that might force you to do harmful things. Know your strengths and work upon them rather than thinking of your looks. Choose your peers wisely, make sure you surround yourselves with people who guide you well and are good for your health. Improvement and growth are a gradual and ever-lasting process, trust it and be patient with yourself.
What is Body Shaping?
Body shaping is a process through which people try to modify their bodies via surgical treatments or other methods. It can range from complex treatments like liposuction, lip enhancement surgery, lasers, anti-stretchmark etc to as simple as using a body shaper that makes you look thinner. Many models and actors such as Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian Katy Perry, Priyanka Chopra, Shilpa Shetty Kundra etc have undergone these surgeries. These artificial means aim to treat your physical features and make them look more pleasing. Men as well undergo some of these procedures. Hair transplant is the most common.
Dangers of Body Shaping
Many times, people get influenced and try to imitate the look of their favourite celebrity. They decide to undergo cosmetic surgeries without much research and end up disappointed. There is a lot of risk involved with these surgeries. Many actresses have ruined their careers due to this. You might not get the results you wanted, damage your internal system, develop blood clots, incisions etc and it can take a lifetime to heal.
Even if you succeed in getting your goals achieved, you will always have to take extra precautions. There is a need for repeated sessions that consume a lot of your time and money. Other possible physical dangers could be discolouration of skin, infections, irritability, nerve injuries, permanent redness and swelling etc. It is futile to compare ourselves with those celebrities as they have access to advanced technologies, resources and it is basically part of their jobs to look a certain way.
Non-Surgical Treatments
There are many modern-day techniques and tools that modify your body without any injections or surgeries. These methods of body sculpting or contouring are very popular for fat reduction. One method of fat removal is freezing the fat cells and then removing them later. Another simple way is the use of a special garment that produces heat and helps in the reduction of belly fat.
Many women use body shapers under skin-fit dresses to showcase a fit body. These body shapers are easily available and are harmless. However, continuous use for longer durations can cause rashes, itching and burns. Start making yourself healthy and not just pretty. Therefore, pay attention to the root cause of your weight and obesity issues. Use healthy methods like exercising to reduce fat percentage in your body rather than working superficially via surgeries or treatments and risking your body.
In these technological times, it is important to inculcate feelings of respect and empathy for others as well as for yourself. One must stop comparisons and focus more on personal growth. Media should portray a more realistic side of actors, influencers and other leading personalities.
Teenagers should be engaged in activities and seminars that boost their self-image. Strong healthy habits should be inculcated from an early age and one must not let any random thing shatter one’s confidence. We all know it is easier said than done but a few gradual steps can help in the long run. In the end, I would like to leave you with a request, try to be kind to others and most importantly to your own self.