Know The Hustle Culture Its Harm And Productive Side
Wake up- work till exhaustion- think about work even when you’re not working- sleep- repeat. This is a popularly preached mantra for success at a young age. “25 under 25”, “Young star”, “The great young hustler”, “You only stop when you’re done” etc. I’m sure you must have heard these populist slogans that motivate you to hustle and become successful. We’ve been often told to work hard now and live a relaxed life in the late forties but does it ever happen? This so-called ‘hustle culture’ definitely does more harm to young minds than any good it can ever do.
You might work 18 hours a day, stay up till late and get that promotion but what after that? There is absolutely no end to human desire. By continuously trying to be productive and efficient, you forget to take note of your emotions and rejuvenate your body. There comes a time when you can no longer take it and are completely burnt out. So here are some of the reasons that hustle culture might actually be toxic and you must take a break when required! Plus there are also some suggestions that you might want to follow in order to lead a balanced and more fruitful life.
- Constantly stressed out body– When you think you’re a part of a race and you must work harder every day, you keep your body in fight or flight mode. Your glucose, blood pressure and hormone levels are high at all times. Your brain is under pressure to constantly think of better strategies. By doing all this you harm both your physical and mental health. It deteriorates the functioning of other bodily processes and you become more prone to many fatal diseases.
What can be done?- To overcome this constant fatigue and stress start by taking out a few minutes for yourself in the morning. Before you begin your day, breathe and stretch a little. Try to stay away from your technical devices and try to meditate. This will help you introspect the purpose of your life and plan your day accordingly.
- Inferiority complex and futile comparisons- When stuck in the loop of hustle culture we often start comparing ourselves and our lives to others. We feel intimidated by seeing the achievements of others and are influenced to gain the same. Social media has added more fuel to this fire. We feel everyone is leading a successful, happy and perfect life. This leads to a sense of inferiority in us. We are driven to hustle and make a name for ourselves too.
How to escape from this vicious cycle?
Before anything, you must learn to accept yourself the way you are. It is important to know that not everyone is the way they portray themselves to be on social media. This deep-rooted idea of comparisons needs to be uprooted and substituted with positivity. Keep a check on your negative emotions of jealousy, hatred etc.
- Poor mental health- We live in a society where overworking and straining yourself is highly praised. This attitude needs to change. Also, we choose our role models without doing much background research and ultimately fatigue ourselves. Hustlers, especially students should keep in mind that there are other things too that define life. After all, not all flowers bloom at the same time. You might shine at your own time and constantly run after success might be toxic.
Ways to take care of your mental health- Choose your values, ideals and role models wisely. Talk to a therapist if need be. Don’t hesitate while sharing your feelings with a loved one. Moreover, exercising or playing sports can also help to improve your health and release happy hormones in your body. Most importantly, learn to take breaks, go on vacations and priorities yourself. Don’t take things too hard on yourself and stay patient.
- Disturbed personal and professional life- It has been often seen that people drift away from their friends and family members once they start their professional lives. One might start feeling isolated and alone after a particular time. It not only affects you alone but also the ones around you.
Counter approach and changed mindset- Schedule your time and priorities other when need be. Spend time with people who energize you. Set your own boundaries and differentiate between working hours and family time. Remember, it is important to strike a balance between your personal and professional life to actually lead a meaningful and actualised life.
- Unsustainable and unrewarding in the long run- Hustle culture might seem tempting initially but it cannot be persistently continued in the long run. Human beings are meant to get exhausted and you cannot go beyond a particular point. You might feel that you’ve missed upon a lot of other stuff while chasing your never-ending goals.
Things you can do instead- When you find you’re no longer able to continue with your work, take off. Reward yourself with small reinforcements. Give your mind some time to wander and eat healthily. Hustle culture is not a sustainable lifestyle option. So instead try to find joy in little things as well.
Everyone in this world is blessed with 1440 minutes every day. Why keep yearning for the same things every day, every minute? Broaden your perspective, try to do other things with your time. Our generation has made it a trend to work and get better every day that we often forget that it is completely normal to not feel okay every day.
In no way am I against work culture or being successful but everything takes time. Just because a few individuals managed to get famous or successful at a young age doesn’t mean that you have to follow in their footsteps too. Your well-being is of equal importance to your bank balance. It is all about choosing that middle path between working and enjoying. Think right, work hard but stop when you need to. Make the most out of your life. Remember, a career is a part of your life, not your entire life. You can switch your priorities and not make your profession the centre of your universe every day!