” Awake after Midnight” as the name suggests is quite a Lengthy One. But as you will scroll down this article, you will definitely get to know the ideology of this Band Name & its suitability to these guys.
Awake After Midnight is a Delhi Based Rock Music Band (though they don’t want to limit themselves to rock) was founded in 2018 by a Group of 5 Guys. Let us Introduce you to the Band Members one by one .
1. Ishaan Jha
Ishaan is the lead vocalist of the Band & one of the founding members who conceptualized the idea of this Band. He is fond of words & cannot hide his love for good lyrics. His Connect with Music starts with his connect with words. As a German Language Expert, He is working as a Quality Analyst at one of the IT firm. He is a doer and not just a thinker. He likes to take initiatives & continues to work on them.
2. Shiv Pratap Singh
Shiv Pratap is the Lead Guitarist of the Band & also along with Ishan conceptualized the idea of the Band. He is an Artist in many ways & not just music. He is the one responsible for creative music technicalities in the band. He can have an equally aspiring career in Photography and Art besides Music. But Guess what, He is a Criminal Lawyer by Profession. We will have to figure out which is the dark side of Him ? Death Metal or …..?
3. Himanshu Goyal
Himanshu is the Rhythmist , the one who handles Rhythm Guitar in the Band. He is the one responsible for Music Production in the Band He’s a perfect reply to Gaurav Gupta’s perception of a Baniya. Himanshu handles his Family Business of Hardware Fittings located at Chawri Bazar, Delhi. Yes, you heard it right , “Chawri Bazar “. Gaurav Gupta – “Sun Raha Hain Na tu”. Being so involved in his business, he always manage to have time for the Band. Moreover , he can also manage to have a jampad in Chawri Bazar where the Band Members can actually do Jamming.
4. Devansh Sharma
Devansh is the Bass Guitarist or Bassist in the Band. He is a Graduate in Computer Science from Delhi University and is writing a research paper these days in his field. He is the one responsible for helping in the writing process of the band. He is an Art Lover & a Pet Lover too. And Lastly he likes to speak less in words but more through his Guitar & blow the hungry souls of music lovers.
5. Anant Kumar
Anant is the Lead Drummer of the Band. He is also the youngest member of the Band & pursuing his studies in Electrical Engineering from Maharaja Aggarsain Institute Rohini. He thoroughly Enjoys his music and is a passionate Drummer. Being at the start of his Career , we wish him all the best for all his endeavours.
Ideology of Awake After Midnight – The Band
1. Beyond the Name – Awake After Midnight
The Band Chose the Name “Awake After Midnight” as they find it versatile. This name does not put the Band in a specific genre. They do not prefer putting things in a box as such as it sort of limits one’s outreach to other music. The Band Likes to have that liberty of being able to play whatever genre they like to play. Be it Rock, Alternate Rock, Metal, Death Metal, Even Pop or Rap Music. Moreover, they also want to start a podcast where they can talk about things that most people prefer no to.
2. Beyond the Logo
The Triangle in the Logo suggests the strongest shape in geometry. Horns are something like wings, which helps you to go after the clouds. They are Something that reaches in the sky. Circle in the bottom denoted the Planet Earth. Collectively, it conveys a message that the Band has “Head in the sky and feet firmly on ground. The ideology of the band is Being grounded and aiming for stars.
3. Beyond Theme
The theme of the Band is Being awakened and Breaking the stereotypes. They love talking about things that most people prefer no to – Like somethings are Taboo – for example Homosexuality. They feel that why do people are afraid of what they don’t really understand. They also had a podcast with TheGuidingHandsOfficial on mental health issues , the link of which is below.
Their Music reflects the issues they want to talk to about. Either through lyrics or Visual presentation, they leave no stone unturned to make an impact. Their Latest Music Video “Dvaita”.
It showcases Journey of a believer that believes in anything but himself and becomes what he fears. Duality is reality .
It is a Great video and a great output from the band post pandemic with limited resources. Creativity is really nice. These People have spent a lot of energy in visualizing what they try to show. The music is quite Psychedelic in nature in terms of its capability to make people in high spirits.
4. Beyond Vision
Th Band has a vision as How to move people towards Self created indigenous Indian Metal / Rock Music. Doing Live shows is the best option. You can always Start with friends. The most important thing is to believe in ourselves.
If We enjoy our music, people will follow. . At least put it out there. We ourselves are critical enough for the music we produce. We try to Just do best and put it out there – like they say “Jo bhi kar tight kar”.
In India , a lot of different kind of music is produced. So one has to Just pick up one genre and keep moving forward in one direction. The Band plans to Go commercial but stick to their roots. The best thing about these people is that they all have liberty of having money. They all work and this is not what they do for a living. Only this, one can grow a Rock Band in India.
They have a Vision to go Pan India. Many Plans in Pipeline to have shows in Darjeeling’s famous Hornbill Festival.
Conclusion :
We all are stuck in 9 to 5 Regime because we have to feed our family and ourselves. In that quest, we have to kill many of our hobbies, passion and interests. It takes a lot of effort and will power to do something extra out of that regime especially when you don’t know the outcome of it.
Awake after Midnight inspire us to take that leap step to follow our passion. Everything can be managed , we just have to put it out there. These guys are working hard in Days and jamming harder by keeping Awake after Midnight.
Hope you All enjoyed this feature story. Comments are highly welcome and appreciated.
And Remember……