A Reader’s Thoughts On Jane Austen!
I have been in love with a woman ever since I read about her and her works. The time goes back to 2013 when I was first introduced to her at my graduation. This woman is none other than Jane Austen. She belonged to an era where most writers would reflect their thoughts on the state of war that Britain was in. Jane Austen, however, chose different chains of words and thoughts to describe the world she was living in.

Critics often criticise her by stating that her works were far from the reality of her time. However, I don’t share the same perspective regarding Austen. I have read her immensely. The basket of thoughts that I have knitted about her is that she did reveal her beliefs. Her works scream more than mere love, marriage, domestic life, and relationships. She has depicted the wider political and social issues of the day. Most importantly, Austen was fully aware of the popularity of her fellow writers and what themes they were digging such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Ann Radcliffe etc. But, Austen believed in her readers. She knew that her readers would know how to read between the lines and plough meaning from them. That’s the first thing that I admire about her. There was an extensive risk of her failure as a writer because of her themes but she took the risk, stood as a shield-maiden, and grabbed the popularity she deserved.

I wholeheartedly practise this in my life. Standing up for what you think is right; thinking differently from what others are thinking; and being vocal about it, might present you as a terrible individual. But using this thing in the right way can work as a weapon. A weapon that can be used for ushering movements of positive changes in society.
Why Should Jane Austen Be Considered As An Unforgettable History Idol?

Austen was living in a time when ideas created fear and excitement in people. Especially, if these ideas were represented by a woman interrogating the foundation of British society. The society in which women were used by men as currency and leverage to attain money and heirs. Austen crafted her novels with the true picture of her society buried in such social evils. She ignites a revolutionary part in me every time I take a journey around the world of her books. What are your thoughts on her as a Jane Austen reader?