The technological globalization changed the world market. Technology gave big and small businesses world wide the opportunity to expand their customer base. The internet allowed an individual, for example, in Kansas to communicate with a company in China and order a Chinese Hanfu. The internet introduced a new way to advertise, think, and even approach the new customer base. The World Market quickly expanded, especially the United States in the 1990’s. According to the US stock market increased by 25% between 1900-2000. The chart data obtained by shows the changes in the stock market. The World Market is evolving with the technology. The U.S. economy has been drastically affected.
The New Market place with an expanded customer base has presented challenges for many businesses. Now more companies require interpreters and often outsource work such as customer service representative positions to lower cost and have an effective staff. Advances in technology have changed the economy and income base for the average business. The New Market place does help the average consumer by introducing new purchasing options.
The changes in the World Market and the economic front have evolved.
The world advances have changed the globalGet Access
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