For We Are the Cause of Wars
For a long time, the word invasion has sounded ancient. Has it though? The 21st century seemed modern, advanced and more civilised compared to the past centuries because we thought we are past the wars, bloodsheds, invasion and battles. We thought we are civilized people, living peacefully and having peaceful relations with other nations. We thought we were working together on the common goal of bettering humanity, advancing education, science, and medicine. We thought we are cultured and better humans compared to the barbaric and cruel uncivilised ancients. We thought we have the empathy that the ancients lacked.
We thought we are more compassionate for each other, unlike the ancients. We thought our laws are more considerate and humane now than ever before. We have moved from the bloody executions (the Brazen Bull, Molten Metal, Poena Cullei, Flaying, the Waist Chop, An Eye for An Eye, Crucifixion and the Boats) to life sentences. We have moved from bloody wars (World War II, Mongol Conquests, Napoleonic wars) to diplomatic conflict resolutions. We thought we have made it this far. Maybe we have.

Maybe we are changed, better and civilised. We have indeed made advances in law systems, nation relations, and science and technology. But, we as ordinary people haven’t left violent crime behind, and powerful authorities haven’t gotten rid of their ambition for supremacy. The hunger for invasion is still not satisfied. It was the year 1914 when World War I took place and it is the year 2022 when World War III is already on the verge of breaking.
The gap of 108 years is probably not enough for removing the causes of outbreaks of the wars and becoming more humane. These 108 years had also seen the outbreak of World War II. Either we are still learning from our past mistakes and evolving or we forget their consequences over time. It is either one day we will become fully human, or we are already human in the best way possible. We are either striving to achieve what we think we should be as human beings or trying to appear civilized when beneath the veil we are barbarians.
Considering our history, we will never truly have peace. Neither will there be a better version of us. We, humans, are greedy, hungry, cruel, and selfish and that’s how we are always going to be as long as we exist. Wars, bloodshed, riots, pandemics, starvation, and poverty will always exist because we cause them since we are both the cause and the sufferer.

War is the most selfish, rash and depressing act that we humans commit. It is the authorities who declare war, and the soldiers are the ones who become the shield of protection for their nation. For merely being citizens of the country, the civilians die. To what cause are they fighting and risking their lives? Has anybody found the cause yet? The soldiers leave their homes and say goodbye to their families with the knowledge that this may be their last time.
They may never see their families again. It is likely they will never see each other again. Armed soldiers await the moment of receiving orders in the fields that will forever change their lives. As they wait for the command, aren’t they thinking about their families and loved ones? Don’t they think about them when they are fighting or injured in the field?
They are dying and wasting away for a cause? Is it to protect their country, people, and future? What is the cause that makes them sacrifice themselves for their people? Have we found the cause yet? Will we ever be able to find one and stop the wars? Perhaps, No! That is because we are the true cause. There is no stopping us. Violence is a part of us. Wars will always be necessary to keep us going as a species. Hence, peace cannot keep us peaceful for a longer period of time: for human nature is restless, impulsive, and selfish.

True 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺