The field of medicine is considered as one of the most significant and noble studies. It is as old as human civilization. There has been absolutely no time in history when there were no doctors, treatments or medicines. However, their form and type keeps changing. Allopathy and scientific synthesis of drugs is a western concept.
It is accepted worldwide and can cure many diseases. It must be noted that there are various substitutes of Allopathy that are deemed to be healthier and safer. Be it the Indian originated Ayurveda, the age old science or Chinese medicine. These fields have not been widely accepted and are criticised on various grounds. This makes us ponder on the question, “Are all alternatives of allopathy nothing but a placebo?”
Placebo effect is a complex neurobiological phenomenon in which the brain accepts something as a cure but in reality is just a fake dose. In other terms, placebo is used to trick the brain into thinking that the body is healing because of a particular treatment. It may or may not show any positive signs of recovery.
It is based on the assumption that our brain and body share a strong relationship. If our brain decides to heal, we actually might heal! Many scientists have accused other alternatives of allopathy as mere placebos which might help cure common cold or mild infections but fails to cure diseases like malaria, cancer, liver cirrhosis, lung infections etc.
There are various substitutes of allopathy, some of them are discussed below along with their validity and reliability.

- Homeopathy
Homeopathic medicine was developed in 1796 by German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann. He treated people by following the idea, “like treats like”. India is among the biggest markets for homeopathy in the world. Homeopathy is the second most popular and accepted form of medicine in India after allopathy. There are more than 250 institutes, over 2 lakh practitioners and several lakh students that study this field of medicine. For many years there has been a debate regarding the efficacy of homeopathy. Many believe it just to be sweet pills that give you unnecessary calories.
There are concerns about its unhygienic manufacturing conditions as well However, many advocate that it has the potential to cure several diseases. Many people have been testimonials to the fact that homeopathy is much more than just a placebo. The ministry of AYUSH also promotes homeopathy and other forms of medicines now. Various grants are given to expand this field and awareness campaigns, seminars etc are held so that the general public can be apprised of such harmless forms of medicines.
Homeopathy has survived for 250 long years and is still in practice, there must be something more than just placebo that ensured its love among people. These little harmless, non-toxic sugar balls surely can not do more harm than good. Therefore, placebo or truth, homeopathy has worked for millions of people till date.
- Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an age-old science that is said to have originated from the Indian subcontinent. It involves a medicatuon extracted from plants, yogic excercises, pranayam and lifestyle alterations. Ayurveda is believed to cure every possible illness if strictly followed. The medicines are natural and given to patients in the form of powder, liquids, tablets or semi-liquid state. Ayurveda simply works on the principle of “prevention is better than cure” and advocates that one must lead a healthy lifestyle to stay live a healthy and long life. Unlike, allopathy ayurveda targets on the root cause and not just superficial symptoms. It has no serious side-effects and is a product of mother nature.
Its diagnosis is deemed very accurate. Some practioners are able to perform full body diagnosis by checking a person’s pulse! Other Ayurveda experts try to gather information about your past illnesses, your body type, genetic factors etc. They use a variety of natural remedies to cure patients.
Sadly, India had almost forgotten this treasure until recently when big names like Ptanajali, Shri Shri etc came into spotlight. The celebration of International Yoga Day by our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has successfully gathered mass national and international attention.
Today, many people have adopted ayurveda as a source of their healthy lives. Knowing your body type, performing simple excercises daily and transforming your lifestyle can add many fruitful years to your life. Contrary, to the said notion, Ayurveda is certainly not a placebo. It is an ancient science evolved by the saints and sages. It was used to heal wounds and diseases during olden days. Its revival has benefited many people around the globe.
- Naturopathy
As the name suggests, naturopathy means the use of natural treatments. It involves herbal massages, accupressure, acupuncture, dietary changes etc. You do not necessarily have to be ill to consult a naturopathy expert. It is a means to boost your body’s immunity, train your mind and soul for a healthier life. Naturopathy is successful in treating obesity, allergies, headaches, fertility problems, PCOD, digestive problems, migrain, stress and lifestyle related issues etc. Many women adopt naturopathy as an alternative to allopathy during childbirth as well. It is based on the fact that if do no harm to your body and it shall recover from anything.

This traditional science is used in combination with modern tools and techniques. It is a long and tedious treatment which takes time to show any positive results. Herbal massages and accupressure imrove blood circulation in various parts of the party which reduces pain and stiffness. For aged people, it helps to keep their limbs functional and mobile. Many people have adopted naturopathy and changed their lives for better. Again contrary to the old belief, naturopathy too is way more than just a placebo.
4. Unani
Unani or Yunani system of medicine is also an ancient science. It was developed by Greek physician Hippocrates, along with many others. It is most popular in Central and South Asian countries.
In unani medicine system importance is given to the person’s environmental conditions, age, genetic factors etc before drawing out any conclusions. It is believed that every human body is dominated by one of the four humours- phlegm, blood, yellow bile and black bile.
In India, Unani system of medicine is also gaining popularity after ministry of AYUSH gave it its due importance. There many universities dedicated to the study of Unani medicine and many legal practitioner across the country. However, it is believed to be a pseudoscience and WHO is skeptical about its efficacy. It is yet to find its place in the modern day medicine industry.
5. Siddha
Siddha is also similar to Ayurveda and Unani form of medicines. It has originated from Southern India and its literature is entirely in Tamil. It is one of the oldest forms of Indian medicine. Many south Indians in India and abroad still practice the traditional science of siddha. Siddha practitioners believe that the five basic elements- earth, fire, water, sky and air are present in our food and control our body. The ministry of AYUSH has provided a neccessary push and popularity to Siddha but it still lacks people’s belief.
Commercially, the practitioners of Siddha are mainly concentrated in Tamil Nadu and its relevant education is also provided there only. The practitioners are not recognised as legitimate physicians by the Government of India. Siddha has limited scope and is also not widely recognised.
In modern times, due to globalisation, allopathy dominates as a form of medicine in almost every country. It is believed to be the most advanced form of medicinal science and there is absolutely no doubt of its efficiency. However, the side-effects are a major concern for people. As a result, they switch to ancient harmless forms of medicine. They might have not been able to provide scientific evidence but calling them placebo is an insult. If the neccessary safety standards are met and the medicine suits you, there is absolutely no reason why you should not choose other substitutes.
Every medicine aims to heal the person and provide a healthy life ahead. One should have the freedom to explore and choose whatever form works the best for you. There are some diseases that have to be treated through allopathic medications but there are ways to recognise and stop them initially. Afterall, prevention is always better than cure. I leave you on this note and wish you a very healthy life!